
The Post About Me

I started blogging July 2, 2008 as a way to share random moments with my friend Caryann who moved 2,100 miles away.

Here is my first post:
"I am attempting to blog. I have usually avoided the commitment due to my pride of trying to be witty and eloquent. I have sacrificed those goals in order to capture some moments. Bear with me."

What I've found is more and more folks have chosen to bear with me. Thank you.

A Quick FAQ
Why is the blog called Jamie's Rabbits? My name is Jamie and I have this frustrating habit of “chasing rabbits” when I speak - ask any of my coworkers. This simply means I tend to get off topic and follow after another subject. My blog tends to be a different "rabbit" every day.

Who are you? Event planner, marketer, blogger, single (but on the prowl), sister, daughter, aunt, fairy godmother, friend, small group leader, volunteer, consumer, and Christ follower.

Consumer? What do you consume? More than I should. But here's a short list:
Should I send you stuff? Absolutely. Particularly anything related to the above list.

What do you write about? The rabbit tales generally revolve around things I find amusing. Some get a tad more serious and some get a tad more ridiculous. There is no theme. Unless random is a theme. Is it?

What are your best tips to newbie bloggers? Learn to love Google search and don't be afraid to ask smarter people who understand the term "h-t-m-l" for help. Plus, camp out at www.problogger.net and take the next round of classes from www.decor8.com.

Why should I read your blog? That's really your call. I find it's a nice break from things that make you stress out like jobs, children, driving, and lines at the supermarket. I do not condone surfing the web while driving. Do as I say, not as I do.

May I email you? Why, yes you may.

May I follow you? Sure.

May I marry you? There is an extensive screening process, but if you own a Chick-Fil-A, there is a special expedited exception.

Are there any disclaimers about my experience at Jamie's Rabbits? Yes. This is a personal blog. I'm responsible for no one's opinion other than my own. And even then, that can change, evolve, devolve, or be influenced by pretty things and even prettier people. I reserve the right to delete any comments I find to be icky. I also reserve the right to determine what "icky" means. I make no promises that archived content is still valid, but I am continuously crossing my fingers. 

I also make no guarantees you will enjoy your time here, but here's to hoping.

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