
The Post About The Rabbit Recommends v.58

Each weekend, I post a readable, a watchable, and a listenable of which I'm fond. You can choose what happens next. Earlier volumes can be found here.


Twitter is perfect for me. I enjoy being entertained in 140 characters or less. And one of of my favorite twits is actress/writer Mindy Kaling. Not only did she write two of the best episodes of The Office - Diversity Day and The Dundies; she also writes great tweets. Including these gems: "Two hours into Avatar. I'm Avatired. What's going on by the concession stand?" and "I think ten minutes is the maximum time you can take to text me back if you want to have a text relationship with me"


If you like pretending the people in your television are real - don't watch this video. It will snatch the whimsy from your happy hands. However, by watching it, you might have more respect for actors who often have to dig deep to get into character. I love knowing how stuff is made.


My constant companion Pandora has wrapped me up in Kris Allen this week. Our relationship was amicable during American Idol, but his self-titled debut album keeps surprising me. I highly recommend "Alright With Me," "Before We Come Undone," "The Truth," and this single "I Need to Know."


  1. I really enjoyed the backlot reel. Hopefully I will be watching Mana acting against one of those green screens one day!!!

  2. Kris Allen ... have it ... love it ... tempted to buy a red guitar because of it.


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