
The Post About The Rabbit Recommends v. 117

Each week or so I post things of which I'm fond. You can choose what happens after my recommendation. Ignore, embrace, debate. Earlier volumes of The Rabbit Recommends can be found here.

It's highly likely The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is not a new discovery for you. I've been hoarding this recommendation for months because I couldn't bear to send you to it without it being worth the investment. It's not that I didn't love this modernized adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, it's just that it was in the middle of the series and I was STRUGGLING waiting for each new installment. But now there's resolution...almost 100 episodes later.

So here's Episode 1. I apologize for how you will waste the rest of your day.

I attended the Killer Tribes conference this weekend which was a snazzy event filled with lots of nuggets of wisdom and Cheez-its. One presenter, Amy Lynn Andrews outlined her favorite apps for time management. Here's her list:
  • Gmail. I love how I can get all my emails (from my various email addresses) in one spot and how it integrates beautifully with so many other apps and Google products.
  • Google Calendar. Again, integration is excellent and I love the ability to have multiple calendars and customize each.
  • CalenMob Pro and CalenMob. The best mobile app I've used for Google Calendar.
  • GoTasks. I find myself using this really simple task list that integrates with Google Tasks well. It's especially good for quick lists, like shopping lists.
  • The Secret Weapon. A robust way of keeping track of to-dos. I have modified the system they present to suit my needs, but it uses Gmail and Evernote together.
  • Evernote. The very popular Evernote is an excellent way to keep track of notes and anything else you want to capture. Here are the Getting Started pages.
  • 30/30. A free app that helps you keep track of the tasks you need to complete in the amount of time you've allotted for each. Lovely.
  • IFTTT. If This Then That is a very handy way of automating tasks linked between many channels. Create "recipes" to work for you.
  • Pocket. This helps those of us who have a tendency to leave lots of tabs open in our browser to "read later." This app lets you add anything to your Pocket to read later.
Another Killer Tribes presenter was Kristen Howerton, blogger at Rage Against The Minivan. I don't have kids, but I know her post this week, Let's Bring The Holidays Down a Notch, is pure gold. May all you moms be encouraged that you are enough.

Have I ever mentioned I adore cats on the Internet? I have? Well, here are some more: 25 Things Cats Are Not.

And these tweets...

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