
The Post About Cali

I am actually sitting at Caryann's dining room table uploading a "few" pics from the last several days. I trekked across the country to see her for the holidays. And to see a state and ocean I've never encountered. An adventure was had by all.

She lives here. This is the Central Valley of California. An ideal location if you might like to mooch off a friend for a vacation.

The first thing I noticed was how long it took to get here. I've flown to Seattle, but I think when you have buddies, the time flies by. I only had my non-English speaking companion on the first flight and a bit of a spooning fuddy dud on the second. So I drank my ginger ales, read my "I Am America (And So Can You)" and listened to David Platt to make it seem a tad shorter than the actual 9 hours it took from drop-off to pick-up. It took a nano-second longer than planned because I got stopped by homeland security. I am guessing my mom's fudge and the Weight Watchers magazine packed together in my carry-on were more than a little suspicious.

Since it was Xmas, and every good houseguest brings a gift - I brought this little lady:

Her name is Lacretia. She helped us find our way.

Caryann is notoriously anti-Christmas. She loves the baby Jesus (and the grown-up Jesus), but could leave the secular and Christianized commerical behind. Since she knows I love a lil' bit of the red and green, she had this waiting:

Finally, as part of this intro post, Caryann's roommate - the snazzy Shannon - introduced me to my new obsession:

There is no better legal drug.

There are more posts to follow highlighting the road trip that did not disappoint.

Did you have a good Christmas?

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