
The Post About Gotta Get Back in Time

These are my reactions to this week's episode “Whatever Happened, Happened.”

**Kate's milkshake brings all the boys to the island. And it's getting on my nerves.
**I'm sorry – is that a scrunchee in your hair, Kate? It's 2004, not 1994.
**With Sawyer as your Dad and Clementine as your name, you're bound for driving a Mustang or marrying your 2nd cousin.
**Kudos for the long awaited Marty McFly comparison.
**Quote Break: Hurley: “Say That Again.”
**Why would anyone wear white scrubs? Medical professionals – answer me that?
**Hi, Claire doppleganger on aisle 666.
**Aaron's Gigi must have taken a dip in the Alpert pond - her skin is extra snazzy.

**Richard used to be sexy, but now he kinda sounds like a perp with candy.
**What a way to wake up, huh?

Preview: All I want to know is WHERE IS FARADAY?


  1. OK, I tried to sit down and watch Lost last night AND I was totally confused. At least now I can pick up on some of the things you write in your post. Brian said I would never understand it until I watch it from the first episode. How long would that take?

  2. I bet your brain hurt after last night - mine did and I've seen every ep!

    Kara watched four seasons in 3 weeks - I have them on DVD if you want to borrow or you can watch them online at www.abc.com. But beware - you will be hooked after the first episode of Season 1.

  3. Last night was great and Richard did a good job explaining that Ben would not remember anything after he healed him. Now I have to wonder if the time travelers will survive Ben’s massacre of the Darma initiative. It was also weird to see Uncle Rico from “Napoleon Dynamite” playing Ben’s father. It’s hard to take him serious, I keep waiting on him hit Napoleon with a piece of steak. Also what’s going on with Sawyer? No funny one liners for the past couple of weeks..Can’t wait till next week

  4. Actually it took me 4 weeks, and that was only because I became a vegetable after 2 1/2 weeks and decided to take a short break. It called to me, though, and I had to answer the call. "Watch me...watch meeeeeee!" I love, love, love it!

  5. I've never seen "Lost" nor has it ever really sounded appealing when people talk about it because in my mind it would require too much brain power to understand. Although I love to hear you commentate on the show and post blogs like this because it still makes me laugh til my belly hurts.

  6. OK, I tried to sit down and watch Lost last night AND I was totally confused. At least now I can pick up on some of the things you write in your post. Brian said I would never understand it until I watch it from the first episode. How long would that take?

  7. Last night was great and Richard did a good job explaining that Ben would not remember anything after he healed him. Now I have to wonder if the time travelers will survive Ben’s massacre of the Darma initiative. It was also weird to see Uncle Rico from “Napoleon Dynamite” playing Ben’s father. It’s hard to take him serious, I keep waiting on him hit Napoleon with a piece of steak. Also what’s going on with Sawyer? No funny one liners for the past couple of weeks..Can’t wait till next week


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