
The Post About The Rabbit Recommends v.43

Each weekend, I post a readable, a watchable, and a listenable of which I'm fond. You can choose what happens next. Earlier volumes can be found here.

This is the only productive thing I've done this weekend due to debilitating sinus pressure and overwhelming fatigue and a throat that's declared MUTINY. I'm headed to the doctor in the morning where I'm anxious to hear the words
"influenza" or "the plague." This is the Rabbit Recommends: INeedToWashMyHair Edition.


When sick, there is only one go-to reading choice: magazines. My medicated brain can't process things like plot or character development. THE magazine fitting the bill better than any other is Entertainment Weekly. A subscription is worth the commitment if you like to read, watch, or listen - like me. Plus, there's The Bullseye, The Hit List, Stephen King, Diablo Cody (my long-lost sister) and Jeff Jensen (the Lost guru) to round out the awesomeness. Their online site will tide you over quite nicely the other 6 days of the week.


Cameron: [singing] "When Cameron was in Egypt's land... Let my Cameron go!"
I sang the harmony part of this lamentation as I rewatched one of the best movies ever made - Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I tend to love anything where an actor talks to the camera. As if they know that I know that they know I'm watching and need more details about what I just saw. John Hughes - rest in peace.


I don't tend to listen to music when I'm focused on getting both nostrils unstuffed at the same time. However, Plumb released a new album this week: Beautiful History - A Hits Collection and I found myself with every song on repeat. Her music often finds itself on soundtracks or remixed for some living room dancing. This song, Stranded, is my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jamie if you meant for Stranded to be a link it's broken. Hope you feel better soon. Kudos to you for keeping up with the blog while sick.


Don't be afraid if I chase your rabbit comment...

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