
The Post About The Slutty Witch and The Cupcake

I heart Halloween.

It's a day of sweets and disguises.

And more sweets.

Here are three goodies I brought to the table.

Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese
Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese icing. I bamboozled my nieces and nephew by making some of them look like pumpkins.

This recipe comes to me via my delightful coworker "Risa." She baked and our staff inhaled. They are that good.

The recipe came to her via Mother Martha.

Postrabbit: "Risa" has an incredible blog called "While I'm Waiting..." about the journey of faith and infertility. When I read it, I stop complaining about how big my calves are for any Fall boots. Perspective.

Pumpkin and Ghost Cake Pops
Bakerella strikes again. This time I ventured out and tried to make Cake Pops look like actual "things."

Halloween Cupcake Bites
Did someone say "Bakerella?" This was my first attempt at Cupcake Bites. They kicked my cupcake tuckus. But they were the perfect treat to hand out while I was dressed like this:

Halloween Cupcake Costume 2009
Food Network provided the war plans for this Cupcake Costume. However, the strategy was outlined for a 7-year-old. I am not shaped like a 7-year-old in a variety of ways, with two standing out in particular.

That's why my frosting is a bit "off."

Cupcake and Slutty Witch

This costume prevented me from bending at the knee or waist. Sitting AND eating my traditional Halloween hot dog became a trial.

But God provided a slutty witch to meet my need.

{Images: Jamie (sweets) / Randy Anderson (cupcake & kitty) / Tammy Stringfellow (witch & cupcake).}


  1. I'm so happy you posted a photo of your costume! It's awesome :)

    Now I want to go eat cupcakes, because the ones you handed out look a-maze-ing!

  2. Love the costume. Super cool that you actually made it! Now I want some cupcakes 'cause yours looked supergood!

  3. ha ha ha...I LOVE the costume!

  4. lms: Thanks dear!

    M: Next year I want to rock a Thomas the Train costume - yours was awesome!

    L: :)

  5. Hey, I think you are a cool person and that you have a fun blog! My name is Amber, and it's nice to meet you. ;)

  6. Trql&th-ea: Your comment made me smile, so we're even.

    G: Hi Amber, nice to meet you too! Thanks for stopping by!

    K: Thank you! I kinda love it too!

  7. Wait, so that... gal.... is the one from the blog title?

    Shame shame.

  8. Wow - LOVE the costume. It's awesome!

  9. Aren't you cute! And now...

    I must have a cupcake. Drat woman! How you do tempt me.


  10. that is awesome- love your costume! and your blog is sweet!


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