
The Post About Being Behind in My Reading

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I may subscribe to too many magazines.

I may need an intervention.

What's something you need to catch up on?

(image: Jamie}


  1. I still have several books in some stage of being read that need to be done before I get any more. Well, that and the whole "putting away laundry" thing...

  2. Oh books. I'm hoping to read 50 books this year and I think I'm on #6? Yikes.

    Also, I love Real Simple. It is my one magazine and I lovelovelove it!

  3. I'm behind on just about everything. Magazine reading is one of them. That's an insane stack!!

  4. work work work work, blogging, blog-reading, IEP meeting preparation, sleep, exercise, cleaning...not necessarily in that order. And if I weren't getting depressed looking at my list, I'd add more. :(


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