
The Post About Defending the Cause of the Fatherless

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There are 302,000 churches in the United States.

There are also more than 123,000 legal orphans in foster care ready and waiting to be adopted.

So why are there orphans in the United States?

I'm privileged to sit on the front row watching colleagues who work diligently to find forever families for children in Alabama.

You can search for foster children available in your own neck of the woods by visiting Adopt US Kids.

{image: Jamie / video: Heart Gallery Alabama}


  1. I just spent the past 30 minutes looking at kids in Kentucky (my state) and wanting to take them all out for ice cream. Maybe once we have some parenting experience under our belts!

  2. K: I feel the same way when I look at pics...It will wreck you. Bonus info: Most Family and Child Welfare Departments have a "Mentor" program so you CAN take them out for ice cream or serve as babysitters for foster parents...

  3. Thank you so much for posting that!! Hubby Guy and I are weeks away from completing an adoption of two sisters from foster care. Adopting children from the US is a big soap box issue of mine :)

  4. S: Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!

  5. Go Jamie! Our two munchkins have brought us great joy and great "stretching". They have taught us more than we could ever give them!!! We adopted a 10 year old, 5 years ago and he has been a blessing! We are in the process of adopting our 12 year old and that should be complete this summer!

    thanks for posting!!


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