
The Post About The Rabbit Recommends v.79

Each weekend, I post a readable, a watchable, and a listenable of which I'm fond. You can choose what happens next. Earlier volumes can be found here.

Read & Watch

I recently recommended To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, so I thought I'd recommend another Monroeville, AL resident - Truman Capote. I remember reading In True Blood in college on a whim. I also saw the movie Scream shortly after. I no longer invite fear into my life in such heavy doses. But if I could recommend the founding father of true crime novels - it's this.

On the same note - I watched Capote for the first time this week. Crazy good. Who knew the same Phillip Seymour Hoffman from Charlie Wilson's War and Almost Famous could transform so thoroughly? Now I know why he won the Oscar.
Disclaimer: I watched it on TV so the R rating for bloody violence was slightly diluted.


My Minister of Worship - Shawn - asked us to suggest songs to him on a comment card in the AM service. I forgot to do that. So this is my suggestion - Restless by Audrey Assad. And to you, might I suggest the whole album, The House You're Building, with a side of a front porch swing and a glass of lemonade?

Recommending Disclaimer: I don't suggest anything because I get it free or because I have some sort of illicit relationship with an author or producer or musician. I save all of those questionable dealings for owners of Chick-Fil-A.


  1. My father had a beer with Capote @ the Goal Line bar @ Legion Field. He was visiting a friend @ Bham Southern and Capote was visiting the same friend. The only thing he remembers of the conversation was the following exchange.

    Capote (Pointing at a fence in the parking lot):
    Do you see that sign?
    Bill: What sign?
    Capote: That sign. (Still pointing at the fence)
    Bill: What does it say?
    Capote: It says @#!$ you. That is what they all say.

    I have a hard time picturing my father conversing with Truman Capote.

  2. J: We're kindred Capote fans!

    J: Holy moly. How cool is that?

  3. LOVE Truman Capote...the book is awesome...the movie "Capote" even more awesome!! On a different note, you can usually find Harper Lee in the general store in Monroeville, AL; however, she will not answer to Harper, she answers only to Nelle. She lives with her sister -- neither ever married.

  4. BR: Umm...who's up for a stalking trip?

  5. That's creepy because I was going to recommend Audrey to you. She's my new fav.

  6. MD: It's official - we share the same ears :-)

  7. I'm always up for a stalking trip...camera in tow! :-)


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