
The Post About The Rabbit Recommends v.86

Each week I post a readable or watchable and/or a listenable of which I'm fond. You can choose what happens after my recommendation. Ignore, embrace, debate.

Earlier volumes of The Rabbit Recommends can be found


Parks & Recreation has replaced The Office as my favorite workplace comedy. I look forward to a revival affection for Michael Scott and the white collar gang when Will Ferrell guest stars at the end of this season. The P&R cast covers Entertainment Weekly this week with a feature article of 101 Reasons to Love Parks & Recreation. I agree with all of them.

This recent episode shows the town residents debating over what items should go in a time capsule.

One word: Twilight.

Some of my favorite quotes from Parks & Recreation:
I got my first job when I was 9. Worked at a sheet metal factory. In two weeks, I was running the floor. Child labor laws are ruining this country.

Yes, I'm married. But my wife understands that a good politician has to be appealing to the ladies. The fact that I haven't even gotten close to cheating on her is a disappointment to both of us.

I did a little research, and divorce is the number two most stressful event in a person's life. Of course marriage is number seven. So, watch out everyone. It's all bad.

Recommending Disclaimer: I don't suggest anything because I get it free or because I have some sort of illicit relationship with a former news anchor of SNL's Weekend Update. I save all of those questionable dealings for those who send me gifts on Valentine's Day.


  1. I love Parks and Rec! It doesn't get nearly the love it deserves. I think my favorite episode has to be the one where Leslie goes on a date with Will Arnett and he takes her to get a CAT scan. Brilliant.

  2. KE: That IS the best episode for sure!


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