1. Burger Coalition:
The Burger Coalition just launched in Atlanta and Birmingham. Each month, they explore a new burger spot in the city. You get to hang out with 5 other folks who love good food and good chatter. I was able to be a part of the first gathering at Ollie Irene.
A. The burger was divine.
B. The conversation was even better.
C. It gave me the chance to make these burger cake pops - without a stick. The bun is peanut butter. Right? Right.
Disclaimer - The Coalition isn't for the introverted. I mean....you don't even know who's going to be there until you sit down. My favorite intros would combust.
2. The Joseph Craven:
My "friend" Joseph Craven posted this tweet last week:

And follow Joseph Craven on Twitter so you don't have to wait for me to blog about such horrible goodness.

Mother Russia. She's big-boned.
3. Russia: Last November during National Adoption Month, I spent all my free time baking to help raise some moolah for my dear friend and coworker, Lisa, and her hubs Barry who are in the process of adopting internationally.
Note: In 2010, Lisa and Barry suffered the devastating loss of their baby during the second trimester of the pregnancy.
Last week, they flew to Russia to meet their son for the first time. Here's an excerpt of that encounter that had me ugly crying at work:
On May 16, 2012 we finally met our son!!! After about an hour's drive from Volgograd, we arrived at his orphanage and met with the social worker first. She showed us his birth certificate, a picture of him at birth and other documents. We signed a book saying we were visiting him and then headed to the orphanage doctor.You can read all about their journey at Lisa's blog: While I'm Waiting.
The absolute coolest thing though happened when they showed us his birth certificate. He was born on our exact due date. How amazing is that?? It gives me chills when I think about the way God has orchestrated every little bit of this process. When she showed me that date on the birth certificate I think my mouth dropped and I know I started to cry. I just can't get over how amazing our Lord is.

I have shared openly about my disdain for fonts such as Comic Sans or Times New Roman or Papyrus or Kristen ITC. Well...as they say...payback lives in Apartment 23.
I received the above work email last week and a new diagnosis: Font Sensitive.
5. $25 Amazon Winner:
And the winner of last week's giveaway is:

Comments? Concerns? Comments?
{images: Jamie and Lisa}
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