It's not that I NEVER lead. However, it's usually less impressive leadership and more ADD-fueled bossiness.
As for my followshipping, I tend to like most things other people generally like.
- Taylor Swift
- The Walking Dead
- Fountain Drinks
- Boots & Tights
- Turn Signals
Recently, my friend Rachel tweeted the following:
My rebellious list included the following:
Let me explain.
1. Candy Corn. I think this sings the same siren song of Girl Scout Cookies. Since we can only access it certain times a year, we are convinced it's the sweetest and most divine treat. I don't think it actually is.
2. Dancing With The Stars. The spray tans and pending wardrobe malfunctions keep me off this bandwagon. But I do fancy Tom Bergeron.
3. Ellie Goulding. I want to love Lights. I want to love Anything Could Happen. Electro-pop makes me think of those karaoke sets that made your voice sound weird in the 80s. It was my toy, not my musical inspiration.
4. Curlz. This is the new Comic Sans. So...not that great.
5. Inside Scarves. I like YOUR inside scarf. Even you hipster 20-somethings who should consider a bath and a snack. I'm sorta shaped like an Ewok and Ewoks can't rock neckwear. Ever.
So it's time for you to answer Rachel's question...
What's popular that you have purposely or accidentally rebelled against?