
The Post About 5 Lessons Learned at my First 5K

What a pretty place, right?

Sloss Furnaces is a historic landmark in Birmingham that operated as a pig iron-producing blast furnace from 1882 to 1971.

But that's not why we're here.

We're here because I ran my first 5K at this site 2 weeks ago.

Let's review what I learned while running the Rumpshaker 2013.

1. Running is early. I love the sun on the horizon, but did you realize it hits that beautiful spot in the late afternoon? Let's look at it then.

2. Running is expensive. Maybe not for everyone, but I need the neon shoes and tank and shorts and hair tie and iPhone armband and pom pom socks. Plus, I need the extra data for downloading the perfect running playlist from Spotify. I have a mortgage and handbag problem, so no more financial commitments.

3. Running is hard. On your hips, on your knees, on your skin, on your hair. I visited my hairdresser the night before this event and I was desperate to slow it down to save the greatness of my salon blowout.

4. Running can make you fat. After the finish line, I tackled that bagel like it was Matt Damon asking me to marry him. Then, my friends and I justified 2nd breakfast which came in as pancakes and bacon. Note, the 5K only burned 300 calories. THAT'S 1.5 REESE'S EGGS YOU GUYS.   

5. Running can be for a great cause. This 5K promoted awareness about colorectal cancer and raised funds to fight it. My best friend's dad is a colon cancer survivor and my dear coworker Elaine died from it in 2012. It was an honor to run on their behalf.

And keep that blowout looking good.

Pros and Cons of Running? Go.

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