
The Post About Bless Your Heart

My adoption conference is finally behind me - I really enjoyed it and had a great team - mucho thanks to them! Now, I can get back to the bloggersphere.

The relief that came from the conference being over on Friday was stirred with the sadness of it being the last day of work for my co-worker and friend Amanda. Amanda is from the Bronx and came to Alabama for only a season (2 years). In that time, she snagged herself a husband, learned the language ("y'all" and "bless your heart"), and transformed a bit of my life.

At work, she taught me to take deep breaths and ask for help. In my walk with Christ, she taught me to see people with more divine eyes. She would always say "We don't always know a person's story." She is right.

Amanda is considerate, gracious, honest, & pretty darn funny. A snazzy combo. And she will be missed in the salty 'Ham.

New York - you're welcome.

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