
The Post About First Thing's First

This is how my morning started today. A second cup of coffee being tailgated by a Diet Dr. Pepper. My goal is productivity without a heart murmur...a fine line.

If we took a closer look at your work "space," what would we find?


  1. Let's see... you'd find a glass of iced sweet tea, a pile of design and architecture books, a notepad with ideas jotted down, an Easter card made for me by my niece, and a plethora of randomness (including an unopened bottle of Elderflower Presse, because I just like the bottle + packaging)! :-)

    Anywho - you remind me of me when I had a job. Many times I would fix myself a cup of coffee and have some Dr. Pepper right next to it! Yum!

  2. You would find that I am the perfect combination of OCD and ADD. I start lots of projects and never finish them. I have tons of papers that i took class notes on, but they weren't pretty enough, so i started rewriting them and never finished. It's dreadful.

  3. A pillow. I often work in bed!

  4. Diet coke, peanuts, pictures of the Family, Darth Vader and Yoda Bobble Heads, Military action figures..ect..ect..Oh and don't forget Red Tape..I do work for the Government ya know..

  5. K-in: It sounds like an inspiring workplace with a much needed shot of sugar and caffeine
    K-i: I love that you rewrite notes for the sake of pretty :-)
    I: This is me typing with jealous fervor.
    CB: Umm...I definitely need some Star Wars bobble heads - how fun!

  6. Ummm...Jamie. Have you not yet discovered what the effect of two cups of caffeinated coffee, followed up by Dr. Pepper, is on a digestive system? Good luck with that. That's a lot of stimuli.

  7. Jamie, you ARE a Star Wars bobble head.

  8. C: I appreciate your fake concern for my digestive and nervous systems.
    B: Stick it.

  9. ..left over easter candy, dunkin donuts coffee (the best!), a cat or two, paper scraps, pencils, maybe a sandwich ( I heart food!!!)

  10. K: I like a desk packed with yummies!

  11. pretty much, just a mess at my workspace (I'm a homemaker - whatever that means!)


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