
The Post About The Rabbit Recommends v.18

Each weekend, I post a readable, a watchable, and a listenable of which I'm fond. You can choose what happens next. Earlier volumes can be found here.

Real Simple
Jen, my college roommate, gave me mac-n-cheese late at night in our apartment, took me to where Fried Green Tomatoes was filmed in her hometwon and introduced me to Real Simple Magazine. I've been a faithful subscriber since 2001. The magazine's tag line is "Life made easier." And it delivers on that promise in a classic package. Its blog is also much more educational than mine.


I categorized this under "watch" on a technicality. Have I ever mentioned I love
Chick-Fil-A? I have? Well, then you'll understand why I enjoy this video so much. For those of you in the 12 states that don't have this scrumptious peanut oil wrapped delight - I apologize for rubbing it in your cyber face.


I started watching American Idol three weeks ago. Tuesday, I decided to vote for someone after his second song, Heartless. I hope Kris Allen wins. Even if his wife is cute and living. And he isn't ambiguously happy.

(images: Jamie)


  1. That was the best youtube vid ever. I love Chick-fil-a.

  2. You're voting for Kris?!?! Really and seriously??? My heart belongs to Adam and I must be loyal even though Kris did a great job.

    I love chicken minis almost as much as I love honey buns.

  3. I got to try Chic Fil A when I was in Indy the other week - you weren't lying - DELICIOUS!!!

  4. L: Me too.

    B: I'm not completely converted to Kris. I will truly base it on their performances on Tuesday, so Adam can win me back :-)

    A: I'm so glad you could join the club!


Don't be afraid if I chase your rabbit comment...

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