
The Post About the Barnes & Noble Booty Goes To...

...#219 Andrea B. "The Holy Bible. It has every genre imaginable in its pages. It's living." (it was her comment of being a follower that actually made her a winner!)

Congrats on commenting when the mood struck - it paid off! Or perhaps God appreciated the press...

Muchas thanks to all who stopped by and shared your suggestions. Here are a few that stuck out:
1. Rabbit Readers love them some Twilight. Hi, my name is Jamie Cullen. Let's be friends.
2. Jane Austen has also nabbed some of your hearts. I'm on the hunt for Mr. Knightley myself.
3. Another author popping up a lot was Jodi Picoult. Why do I feel like My Sister's Keeper would make my hormones act up?
4. Classics are always good: To Kill a Mockingbird, Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre.
5. Best titles: I Won, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti (thank you cstironkat...) and Jane Austen Ruined My Life (thanks to marie). I think Jane Austen has ACTUALLY ruined my life. Mr. Knightly? Do you twitter?

I'm picking 10 of your suggestions to read this Summer. If I pick yours, then you get the prize of my love and affection if I like it. Plus, a little shout-out in future posts!


  1. Whoa - went to vote and you were on the top row 2nd from the left! I didn't have to search! Woohoo!

  2. I love it when Social Lounge makes it easy to show the love!

  3. I either just voted for you or signed up for Liberty Medical Diabetic Supplies. If you win, Wilford Brimley's bringing oatmeal cookies to the party. What?

    I think I need to go to bed now.


Don't be afraid if I chase your rabbit comment...

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