Sidebar: Dad, if you happen to be reading this, consider looking away. I'm about to disclose your gift. Of course, you're probably not reading this. You don't even like to change the channel on the tv, so booting up the old computer on the other side of the house is an unlikely event..
1. Cash. Particularly any money that underwrites something he loves. For my Dad, it's a giftcard to Home Depot (that's not it.) In your circumstance, it might be golf green fees, Netflix subscription, giftcard to the Bass shop, or 10 rolls of quarters so he can snag that elusive West Virginia memorial coin (another gift my Dad would heart.)
2. See #1.
Now that that's settled. Let's talk about what I got my Dad:

Donald Miller, an author I've been known to be pretend friends with, helped launch The Mentoring Project which is an organization that provides positive male role models to boys between the ages of 7 and 14. I have the privilege of working with kids who didn't have a positive relationship with their fathers and I see the beautiful impact that having a loving adoptive dad or coach or Sunday School teacher can have on those children.
Because I have a Dad who mailed me comics when I was away at college and assumes when I call home, it's to talk to him - I'm even more moved by those who didn't or don't have that lovely relationship.
The Mentoring Project is sponsoring a delightful campaign where you can provide a mentor to a kid growing up without a father for only $10 a month. In exchange, you can choose any number of autographed books, DVDs, or CDs including The Shack by William Young. The bonus? My pretend best friend Donald Miller will send a personalized Father's Day card mentioning how great you are.
My choice?

My Dad and I were on a road trip once to Mississippi (don't say it) and we listened to Miller on CD. My father didn't hate him. Score.
That's a great gift idea! and hooray for pretend best friends! If he has an email address he could vote for you...
ReplyDeleteA: I will need to pretend to remind him to vote for me!