
The Post About The Guest Blogger's Ten {Necessities} on Tuesday

This week's rabbits are being provided by some fabulous folks I handpicked to love on you while I'm in the wilderness. More about that later. Please meet Michelle. She's a lovely classmate from a Blogging Your Way online class I took this Spring. If our class had been real, we would be the girls in the back of the class cracking jokes and demanding attention. Seats at our lunch table would be in high demand...Show her much love! jamie

Ten things I need everyday:
1. Coffee!! Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! And...coffee! Even better when it's in a Team Awesome mug from my wedding, or in a Cawfee mug from Fish's Eddy.

2. Lip gloss! As a super-pale, dark-haired, blue-eyed lady, I look dead without my gloss. It's not a good look. Even goth chicks wear lipstick, people.
3. My Filofax! While I don't like schlepping it around, I can't imagine not being with my Grape Filofax that I got last month. I mean, the thing tells me what to do with my day, my month, my year...How can I leave it at home, without a purpose? What would I do with the ideas that come into my big head? How would I know how to use my free time? I wouldn't. Duh.

4. Good reads! With the hour+ I spend commuting on the subway every day, I need something good to read so I don't have to make eye contact/listen to the homeless preacher man who says, "Relax your ass, and stop cursing. The white man lies!" Yes, that is an actual quote from the homeless preacher man on the subway today. Usually I read my New York or Time Out New York magazines, but I've been able to read some novels for my book club recently, too.
5. My orange business card holder! Soft and orange and buttery, it holds my work ID, a trillion business cards, my Metrocard, and any other card I pick up along the way. Look, I'm due for a free eyebrow threading in 2 more visits!

6. My BlackBerry! I like to say that I'm not addicted, but I left it at home once and immediately flashed on 10 horrible scenarios of not having my husband find me where we're supposed to meet up. Even though we planned everything in advance. I'm a bit of a worrier, but I blame my Jewish heritage - it's in my blood.

7. Booze! OK, so maybe not every day, but I need some wine or beer in my house at all times. Because nothing is better than taking a bath with a glass of wine, or watching TV with a glass of wine, or eating dinner with a glass of wine...you get the point. I highly suggest selecting your wine based on the name/label, as that's been going (mostly) well for me & the hubby for years. It's also fun to say, "Want a glass of Relax or Pure Evil?"

8. Twitter! Just because I call Twitter "my boyfriend" doesn't mean I love it. OK, I do. I love Twitter. Tweet me on @WhenIGroUpCoach so we can be twiends! And yes, talking like this does get out of hand. Twello to my tweeps!

9. Cheese! Honestly, I don't think a day goes by where I don't eat cheese. Mozzarella, cheddar & feta are always in my fridge. Not great for my thighs, but so good in my tummy.

10. My man! Aw, ain't that sappy? But seriously, I need my man. Who else is gonna make me delicious meals & sing me funny songs & make me laugh & tell me I'm cute & be all snuggly? My man is - that's who!



  1. Ah - super excitement! I had no idea this was coming up today & read it in my reader. Off to tell the world about it. THANKS AGAIN for this opportunity!

    Oh, BTW, you're right - we would have had to have been separated in a non-virtual (unvirtual?) BYW class...

  2. Cool! It's fun to see BYWers collaborating!

  3. As Jamie knows, I LOVE feta. I would eat it every day if I could!! Glad to know I'm not alone!

  4. OMG...I'm addicted to my blackberry too! It's hard to believe I once was ok with having a phone that only did text messaging! Now, I can't imagine having a phone with no internet...yikes!

  5. I am totally with you on the cheese thing. My whole sorority was addicted in college. We all couldn't wait to be seniors so we could have first grabs at the cheese cubes at the house!

    Loved your list Michelle, and that wedding photo is precious! I love the look on your face!

    Jamie-I am intrigued by the wilderness adventure! Do tell!!

  6. kpookie - Must. Have. Feta. And to make you feel better about our feta addiction, it's supposedly the best cheese you can have, diet wise. Nice.

    Tiko - I might be getting my hubby's iPhone so he could get a new one, but I'm a bit hesitant. I'm such a Crack(Berry)head!

    Caitlin - I love that seniority = cheese cubes. Awesome perk! And the look on my face from the pic is because it took a few tries to get the ring on my finger. And, I was ridiculously happy :)

  7. What? Chocolate did not make the list??? This must be some kind of oversight. You are forgiven since cheese made the top 10.

  8. Mountain Momma - Thanks for excusing me. Dark chocolate should have SO made the list. Especially because you can trick yourself into thinking it's "good" for you!


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