
The Post About Traveling Graces

"Grace" is a fair description for my California co-trippers - Caryann and Alli.

In the shadow of the Hollywood Sign
They put up with me - a person who likens vacation planning to wedding planning. This would explain the occasional appearance of Tripzilla. It might also explain me throwing a hissy fit in the middle of Paramount Studios when we were late and they didn't accommodate our slow-waffle-eating-selves. Pathetic.

Back to the tripmaids. Let's tackle Caryann:
Crocs: So Right and So Wrong
She's just like this getup. Colorful and comfortable. Caryann's also a self-admitted bad manager of time.

And possibly footwear.

She is the best vacationer because she's always looking for an interesting experience and ice cream.

I'll Take Your Picture
Alli isn't assaulting this fella. Albeit, that wouldn't be completely out of character. She's actually offering to take his picture with a family member or bikini-clad vegan who needs to wash her hair. She was always wanting to help others get quality group pictures.

She was also always on the prowl for a Ross or Marshall's. WE'RE ON VACATION. NO SHOPPING AT DEPARTMENT STORES.

Emeryville Ikea
Unless it's Ikea.

As lovely as these two women were, there was a moment when I wanted to punch them in their faces.
San Fran City Hall
We walked 3 miles and I took a picture of San Francisco City Hall.

I wanted to be in a cab.

So what did we do in the city of 43 hills?

Still walking
Kept walking. Up hill. EVERY WAY.

But I didn't punch them. Do you know why?

Two Girls and A Map
Because you would miss moments when they get enthralled with geography. Who knew mapreading could be so fun?

No one.


  1. Cary Ann's hair is so freakin adorable!!!!

  2. Hey, thanks Kristi! And Tripzilla needs to be reminded that she PLANNED that dumb walk up 43 hills.

  3. And what does my poor time management have to do with this post? Why you gotta bring that up? Don't make me talk about the size of your head again.


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