
The Post About South by Southwest Part Final

Last stop.
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A city that never sleeps.

Mainly because there are no windows in the casinos so who knows what time it is?

This is a city where elderly come to blow what would be a nice inheritance and the young come to work out their daddy issues.

We came to stare. And listen. And eat.

And we ate. Buffets and bakeries and local joints that left us fat and happy.

We also Cirque'd.

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Bad picture. Phenomenal show.

Worth every discounted penny. Whether you stalked Elvis on Hawaiian movie sets or were a toddler when he died, it is a must-see. Here's a snippet.

Sidebar: I now want to be a French Canadian acrobat. Stat.

Vegas takes you around the world.

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New York.

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Camelot. Geography purists need not comment.

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And even Paris.

The only thing that would have made the Bellagio fountain show more enjoyable would have been Clooney on my right and Damon on my left.

But let's address the sin city nitty gritty:

1. My mother arrived in our hotel suite and immediately asked about the Thunder Down Under. I can't link to it here because the "thunder" may or may not be naked.

2. Three minutes later, my mom the Baptist church secretary asked if the drinks at the hotel happy hour would actually be a sin since they were free. Umm...what would Jesus drink?

3. Finally she inquired about taking a zip line across the Las Vegas Strip. Note: She was grabbing strangers in the Vegas "Eiffel Tower" due to a dizzying fear of heights and proceeded to almost pass out in the parking deck like a drunk woman at happy hour.

Conclusion? My mom can no longer be trusted to travel alone.

{images: Jamie}

1 comment:

  1. I have nothing clever to say. This whole series of posts was just hysterical though. And the look on your dad's face in every picture really just screams VACATION!!! WOOOT!!!!


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