
The Post About A Week in Pictures

I pressed pause for the week because of that pesky natural disaster that wrecked my state.

However, I thought I would share some moments from the last week to tide you over until we return to our regularly scheduled blogging.

Keep Calm and Carry On

I purchased this recently from a snazzy Etsy shop: CollagOrama. It was an ideal week to write this advice of the British on my heart.

Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs
Sometimes I ignored the above advice and lived by the mantra "Keep Calm and Eat Your Feelings." 50% off is a tool of the devil.

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First grown-up photo shoot. It was equal parts joy and nausea. Photographer Jasmine Star suggests 800 hours of shooting in order to become really good at portraits. My apologies to Maranda and Derek who got to be a part of hours 1 and 2. Feel free to take a gander at the results on Flickr.

Alabama Tornado April 27 2011
And there's still that tornado business. This is a gas station near my home. I bought gum there last week. You can see more disaster photos on my Flickr stream.

The back of the @dreamcakesbham truck does not lie. Thank you for my #ALsocme yummy!
Did I mention I've been eating my feelings?

{images: Jamie}


  1. Re: eating feelings - you are not alone, my dear. Love and hugs to you and yourn!

  2. Reese's Peanut Butter eggs are my favorites!!
    You did such a great job on the prom pictures! They look wonderful.

  3. TS: Aren't those eggs delightful? That's a crazy big compliment coming from you. I don't know if I'm cut out for portraits - tons of work...


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