
The Post About Catching Up Via Twitter

How's about we catch up from the holidays?

I spent two solid weeks reading books, eating Mom's peanut butter fudge, and watching really crappy TV.

It was divine.

During the break, I tried to stay connected to the Internet...you know...because I have an addiction to social media.

First step, right?

Here are a selection of my tweets and a little writer's commentary.

Do you have those words you just cannot spell? This is mine. There's also "accommodate." Double consonants are my nemesis. What are your spelling enemies?

I want to love scarves and fuzzy socks and snow. But I've realized I have about a 4 day tolerance for winter. And that's really only if I'm planted at a ski resort. Do you fancy the cold?

Remember how I told you once I spent Christmas and New Year's watching crappy television? It included infomercials. I mean...all of them. "Insanity" is the worst. I look at the before pictures of the women and think "What's the problem?" Have you ever bought something from an infomercial?

I babysat my godsons who are 8 and 6. Moms of boys - how do you go to the bathroom when you're in public? I finally waited for a stranger in a Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to seem pleasant enough to watch them so I could pee. Was that not right?

Surviving ADD...one day at a time. 

You should answer the above embedded questions. Yes, you.

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