
The Post About Having The Most Annoying Voice Ever

As you may or may not know, I record a couple of podcasts.
The latter is RIVETING JOURNALISM about the worst show with the worst characters. I adore it.

This week, I stumbled across the following internet stranger opinion:
So there's that. And that made me crumble.

First, I'm nothing if not self-aware. I fully recognize not everyone fancies THIS. Me. My ramblings. My writing. My voice. And that REALLY is okay.

But I don't want to know.

Well...I do. I do want "iron sharpening iron." I want friends with hands at my back guiding me away from flaws and moving me toward surely goodness and mercy. I want those I trust correcting me and holding me accountable to good words, good actions, and good hair.

But this stung.

And it's not that this internet stranger is wrong. I talk fast with a Southern accent that won't quit. I get wound up discussing roses and men in headbands and dates set in alleys and my tone may become unbearable.

But it still stung.

Until I shared it with my circle - people with the hands and the trust and the irons.
  • Do not let her get into your head. Whatever you do.
  • Don't ever focus on just one person's response.
  • Jamie: Your voice is like a baby's bottom.
I share this experience for only one reason: Make sure there are folks with the hands and the trust and the irons in your life.

We all need cheerleaders. We all need high fivers. We all need friends who will privately call an internet meanie a "j-hole." 

Just because.

How do you handle those who aren't your biggest fans?

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