
The Post About 5 Years Old And One To Grow On

It's Jamie's Rabbits' 5th Anniversary.

My first blog post:

"I am attempting to blog. I have usually avoided the commitment due to my pride of trying to be witty and eloquent. I have sacrificed those goals in order to capture some moments. Bear with me."
That's not an excerpt. That was it. The posts that would follow would mirror the struggle to be interesting and share more than three sentences.

But it was a first step that led to some pretty fantastic things.

There were posts...more than 775 so far. A sampler plate.

Blogging forced me to embrace Twitter as @JamiesRabbits. These 140 character snapshots have transformed my love of the Internet. Although I'm pretty sure after 14,000+ tweets I'm required to return my college degree.

Blogging made me realize how much I fancied the visual. It prompted me to buy my first camera, download 37 phone photography apps, and fully frontal hug Instagram

Blogging led me to writing partnerships, podcast ventures, and even a brief cake pop business.

 "Brief" because business IS HARD Y'ALL.

Most importantly, blogging birthed 2D online friendships that evolved into 3D lunches, dinners, conference meetups, and even vacations. If nothing else good had ever come from this lil' site, then these "in real life" moments made it worth every draft and furrowed brow and declaration of Ariel being a skank.

That's why today is a fresh start. A return to blogging. There may be glimpses of 3-sentence posts again, but I'm writing.

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