
The Post About Perfection

My friend, Caryann, was describing a friend of hers as “the perfect package.” You know – gorgeous, intelligent, funny, compassionate, blahbidi blah. It came up because her friend may be on the market for a boyfriend soon and Caryann was easing my worries for her – thanks. This begs the question...if this lovely lady is the perfect gift and therefore will have a boyfriend approximately 10 seconds after breaking up with her current boyfriend – then what kind of box does that make me? (And Caryann for that matter...)

I seem to always be working on me being closer to perfect. It's why...
...I work out (although I say it's for health reasons).
...I slather eye cream on 2x daily.

...I read Newsweek and Real Simple and CNN daily.
...I scrutinize 100 hairs a night looking for those pesky white ones (thanks Dad)
...I pray for kindness first when I recite my fruits of the spirit prayer.

It seems like a bit much, don't you think? Perhaps if I spent as much time pushing back those thoughts as I did pushing back my cuticles – I would realize that I'm not such a shabby gift box, after all. I have a good sense of humor; I'm passionate about anti-poverty issues; I love my family; I have a snazzy house; and I can type 65 words a minute. It may not be perfect, but who is?

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