
The Post About The Loveliest

I asked my Sunday School class this past week to name their favorite holiday gift. Since I know you are dying to know...Here are a few of my faves:
This Bible is super heavy (both physically and spiritually.)

I love a great audio commentary. January 21 is coming...
I had been wanting a green handbag and God said yes.

I am fascinated with cupcakes.
I shall make this recipe.

What of the loveliest did Santa or Hanukkah Harry bring you?


  1. I saw that cupcake book in Target before Christmas and so wanted it! I told myself NO, because I was buying for others not me! I will have to look at your book!!

  2. Santa brought me LOTS of candy in my stocking, that I will not be able to eat soon! :( And a new keyboard and mouse!

  3. I want to be invited when it comes time to serve those Pacman cupcakes.

    I wanted a young Frank Sinatra for Christmas. Didn't get him and everything else paled in comparison. =)

  4. Jamie,

    I love my ESV study Bible as well. Although it is a little big to be carrying around. But it is a great resourse and I like being able to use the online feature. I am also a big Lost fan. I have been too cheap to buy season 4 so I am hoping to get it through Netflix before the 21st. Playing the role of Santa lets me get my toys through out the year but the best present for me was spending time with my Family (Mom,dad and cousins)during the Holidays. Heidi also got me some nice things :-)

  5. Hello Cupcake has a blog.


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