
The Post About Beautiful Bird in the House

My best friend Kara won a contest to have singer/songwriter Cindy Morgan play in her living room Friday night. As in the one in Kara's house. She was thrilled. I was thrilled.

Here are some highlights:
Living Room Before and After
My godsons who normally "play" in this living room haven't seen it this clutter free since they moved in. They were absent because they have limited social skills and the oldest hot-glued the youngest 8 hours earlier. Important lesson: when you try to maim your brother, you don't get to party.

Cindy on Guitar and Group Photo
Cindy's instrument of choice in concert is the piano, but she debuted her mad guitar skills in public with us. Group photo: crazy awesome cellist Cara, Kara, Cindy, percussionist extraordinaire Matthew, and Joseph.

Buffet of Cheese
Remember, I love a great shindig. I also love cheese. This night combined the two cries of my heart.

Beautiful Bird Cupcakes
Since Cindy's latest album is Beautiful Bird, I thought red velvet and red birds were in order. Mucho thanks to Hello Naomi and her inspiration! PS: you wouldn't regret downloading that album as soon as you're done reading this post. Or even now... Go. You can come back. I'll be here.

Another valuable lesson learned this day: Kara and I make divine friends, but we don't make the best partners in event planning. We move at very different speeds. Exhibit A: I'm having a comeapart over the symmetry of truffles. She's painting her toenails. Knowing is half the battle.


  1. That doesn't even look like the same house...

  2. I'd rather you be the event planner anyway. I don't do events well at all! Plus, that 10 minutes before everyone arrived was the first time I had actually sat still in 3 days. No better time to paint your toenails! ha!

  3. That sounds like so much fun!! And those cupcakes are awesome! Thanks for the music rec! I will have to check her out!

  4. K: Nope.

    kp: You're not too shabby!

    C: I bet you would really like her!


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