
The Post About Being Invited to My "Wedding"

Framed - 42/365
ptimism is the cheerful frame of mind that enables a teakettle to sing, though in hot water up to its nose." Unknown

And I'm treading that toasty water while planning the equivalent to my wedding - 16th Annual Hope Chest Party & Art Auction.

Truthfully, my wedding would require less work. I'd only need to book the chalet in Whistler and find a toboggan with a veil.

If you happen to live in the Birmingham area or willing to drive for a good time, then make plans to have a blogger meet-up next Friday at my quasi-nuptials.

I'll be the one with the fanny pack full of glue sticks, Cheez-its and valium.

{image: Jamie - part of my Project 365. All previous photos can be found at Flickr. Rainbow frame by Lindsey Stone and Map frame by Vero VanBlaere.}


  1. Girl, you are a trip! I loved meeting you Saturday! I had so much fun. I can't wait to read your blog about it!

  2. J: It was so great to meet you too! Especially having a front row seat for you on the wheel :-)

  3. LoB: I added you to my reader - can't wait to keep up with all your shenanigans!


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