
The Post About The "I's" Have It

I'm headed out of town to see two fabulous things:

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Isabella. She's turning one and I have the privilege of feeding her sugar and preservatives for the first time in the form of cupcakes. I'll be her new favorite or she'll vomit.

Emeryville Ikea
Ikea. I've saved my pennies so drivers will stare at my new armoire riding on the top of my Altima.

I plan to Twitter the more valuable moments - so chase rabbits with me there.

{images: Jamie}


  1. Because of the trace of photos and info that you've posted on your blog, I now know which house in which state will be unoccupied this weekend. Thank you. I've had my eye on that colorful bookshelf for some time.

  2. C: This is why I shack up with my boyfriend and leave him at home when I travel. His name is Mr. ADT.

  3. Babies and IKEA?! That sounds like the perfect weekend! Have fun!

  4. That is one cute baby with very kissable cheeks! Have fun at Ikea -- I love that store!

  5. K: It WAS a perfect getaway!

    S: I may have brought her right cheek back with me...


Don't be afraid if I chase your rabbit comment...

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