
The Post About Jesus and Burning Plastic Bags

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"I believe we must depolarize and depoliticize environmentalism. Caring for creation should not be framed in a right-left dichotomy. Stewardship isn’t primarily a political, social or economic issue; it is a moral issue the people of God have been called to address. If we desire to remain true to God’s Word, Christians must redeem the cause and make it our own. We need to rediscover the scriptural basis for creation care, engage our planet’s daunting problems and propose solutions most Christians are comfortable with. To abandon these issues to secular environmentalists shirks our God-given responsibility to care for His planet.
Jonathan Merritt, author of Green Like God: Unlocking the Divine Plan for Our Planet.

This has been a brief break for rabbit clarity that won't repeat very often.

I pinky swear.

{image: Jamie}


  1. We live in God's household. There are responsibilities that go along with that.


Don't be afraid if I chase your rabbit comment...

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