I'm a homeowner.
This means:
1. I save money for things like a paved driveway and a new roof. Not an iPad.
2. If my neighbor's kid hits my window with a football because he stinks at football; there's no Amanda Woodward or Mr. Furley to call.
3. I pay property taxes, but I don't get to vote any more than a renter. I should.
4. If I want to be a nomad, I have to first work through things like escrow and amortization and baking cookies for open houses.
Good news? I get to go to Home Depot and buy all kinds of junk.
Better news? You can too if you win this giveaway of a $35 Home Depot gift card.
How To Enter: Leave a comment answering the question:
What's one thing you love about your current residence?
**2 Extra Credit Entries**
Each of the following will give you one extra entry in the giveaway. Please make sure to leave a separate comment for each thing you do!
1. Be a follower of Jamie's Rabbits on Twitter.
2. "Like" Jamie's Rabbits on Facebook.
**You can accomplish both of these tasks by clicking on the links.**
Important Details: Open to anyone in the US. Must enter before noon CST on Saturday, June 19 to qualify. Winner will be chosen randomly using Research Randomizer and announced on Sunday. Obviously, anonymous folks can't win unless they leave a name/email in the comment. P.S. The orange aprons of HD don't even know I exist. Except when I drool on their showroom appliances.
{image: Jamie}
Great giveaway! I like my front and back decks the best. Now, we just need a little sunshine so we can enjoy them!
ReplyDeletedlodden at frontiernet dot net
Follow on Twitter (darcy1956)
ReplyDeletedlodden at frontiernet dot net
Facebook fan.
ReplyDeletedlodden at frontiernet dot net
My favorite thing about my house is our powerful a/c. I'm hormonal with the new baby, and the a/c works so well, you could hang meat in my bedroom. It's awesome, even though it causes my husband angst and goosebumps.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about my house is that it is PAID FOR! Amanda Cook
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Twitter and crave chocolate every time I see your profile pic. No lie.
ReplyDeleteI just bought a home so clearly I deserve to win! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm a Twitter follower!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about my house is it's "potential". Unfortunately I haven't yet brought out it's potential, but it's there! Next projects: the backyard and the guest bedroom!
ReplyDeletenfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I follow on Twitter
ReplyDeletenfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
that my husband built our home-he did most of the work himself
fb fan of yours-julie A Scott Laws
I love that I am still in our little city's limits & 5 minutes from the grocery, but I'm on 2 acres so it feels like we're not in the city. -- amykiane[at]gmail[dot]com
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower on twitter.
ReplyDeleteI like my house. it's close to a lot but it's still tucked away for privacy and we found enough room to have an above ground pool.
ReplyDeletelauren51990 at aol dot com
follow you on twitter; @shootingstarmag
ReplyDeletelauren51990 at aol dot com
Absolutely nothing!!! LOL. Thankfully we are moving August 1. My favorite thing about our SOON TO BE residence is the kitchen!
I love that my children grew up in it, and now my grandchildren have taken over their old rooms.
ReplyDeleteFacebook Fan. "LIKE"
ReplyDelete(Shanna A)
I like my hardwood floor because the boys can pee and the cat can puke and all I need is a towel and disinfecting wipes. Wait, I mean all Kara needs...
ReplyDeletePS Point 3 leads me to think being a property owner is making you more conservative.
I love my new back porch!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Twitter
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan on facebook!
ReplyDeleteI love that its my own, but I also hate that it's my own!!! I get to paint, fix and repair how ever I want. I also have to fix and repair what I dont want (I.e- the furnace, toilet, stove, water heater. Everything that broke the first week we bought the house!!!)
ReplyDeleteI do love it though!! It's mine!!!
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
I love the windows in our home. They are almost floor to ceiling and they let in a ton of natural light. Love them!
ReplyDeletelaprochaine at gmail dot com
I am a twitter follower
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
I follow you on FB
ReplyDeletelaprochaine at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter
ReplyDeletelaprochaine at gmail dot com
I am a facebook fan
ReplyDeletesarah mansfield coulsey
sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com
I like our front deck.
ReplyDelete"Like" Jamie's Rabbits on Facebook@tcarolinep JEssieKatie S.
ReplyDeleteI love that my condo faces the beach!
I love that it's rural, which means few neighbors & very little traffic. Yay to peace & quiet!
i love my living room-large but yet cozy.
follow JR on twitter-lmurley2000
like JR on facebook-lmurley2000
It is no secret that I have moved ... a lot. But I am proud to say I am entering my 4th year at the same residence, which is certainly a record for me. Couple that with the fact that I have the best of both worlds (splitting the bills with a roommate, but also enjoying the benefits of living alone as said roommate vacates most every weekend) ... I'd say I've got a pretty sweet deal right now.
ReplyDeleteAt least as sweet as being a nomadic, single non-homeowner can be!
I love that my apt has good heating in the winter (which is crucial in Alaska) and good ventilation in the summer. . also that we have a picnic area in the compound.
ReplyDeletemandalarctic at gmail dot com
What I love about this house is it is cheap and pretty safe!
ReplyDeleteI love my big open dining/living room! It's great for my son to play
follow on twitter
love it has a fireplace- keeps the heating bill way down
ReplyDeleteMy kids and I lived in a second story apartment for 9 years, and I was always having to tell them to be quiet so the neighbors wouldn't get upset. Now we own a twinhome,and they can be kids and make all the noise they want!
I love our backyard. It's private and over the past couple of years, we've landscaped it wonderfully.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this great giveaway.
I'm a twitter follower of Jamie's Rabbits (peg42)
ReplyDeleteThanks again
I'm a facebook fan of your's (Margaret E. Smith)
ReplyDeleteThanks again
My garden!
I currently live in an apartment and we are hoping that we're going to close on time on our first house in a week, so there isn't a whole lot that I love about where I live at the moment...but! I do love that I have interesting neighbors. My neighbor that I said hi to once asked if my eight month old son wanted to marry his three month old daughter someday. Uh, no.
ReplyDeleteAnyway! Thanks for the giveaway.
We've got an oddly shaped pine tree in the back yard that the birds just love. I sit near it and read enough that they are used to me and will perch not too far out of reach.
ReplyDeleteLiked you on FB! (Laura W.)
my living room has palatial ceiling and I love it.
ReplyDeleteI like my soon to-so (I hope) large front porch.
I already follow on Twitter @countrynest.
ReplyDeleteIn the commet above it is my soon to-be large porch. sorry
I already LIKE on FB.
I like my cute little backyard with my pretty flowers and stepables in between my stone pathway!
I love our house! It is a fixer upper, on 2.5 acres, and the perfect place to raise kids. They feed the chickens, play on the rope swing in the barn, and climb the cherry trees to stuff themselves with dark fruit. We may have a long way to go before everything gets FIXED, but we're certainly enjoying the journey!
ReplyDeleteOur house may not be the biggest, newest or best looking, but I love it because it is our home! We are close enough to the lake to fish everyday and are surrounded by great neighbors!
I love that my house is right on the beach. It's the best place in the world to live.
ReplyDeleteMy house is on 11 acres of land. I love the fact that I can go trail riding in the country, have lots of space, barley any noise and stays green most of the year!
I love that my house is next to a mountain preserve. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteI have liked jamie's rabbits on facebook!
I love the big bathroom I have.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower of Jamie's Rabbits on Twitter.
ReplyDelete"Like" Jamie's Rabbits on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteWe live in a condo, and it was quite a fixer-upper when we first bought it, but my favorite thing about our house is the vaulted ceiling with windows that just let the natural light flow right into our living room. It's not the biggest or the best house, but we call it home!
ReplyDeleteI love my sunroom where we grow plants!
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I honestly love everything about my house. I really like the view and my kitchen.
ReplyDeletealice.lapray (at) gmail dot com
I love that my current residence is in a safe neighborhood.
I love that it's almost paid for(although we rent the lot). 8 months until it's completely paid.
By the way disagree with you on the idea that a homeowner deserves more say than a renter. Renters pay taxes as well and live in the community(your argument would be the equivalent of saying the top 10% deserve to make decisions for all of us nationally because they pay MORE than the average American even though many of these are rich as the result of the good fortune of being born into money or that the bottom half of the population deserves no say because technically they get the money the loan the government back and even though they are the backbone of the resource market that labor pulls from to fight wars, educate children, provide services, etc,etc).
I love that I have a herd of cows in my backyard. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI followed on twitter (SunnyDreemz)!
ReplyDeleteI'm a like/fan on facebook (Sunny Dreemz)!
ReplyDeleteIt's a hell of a lot of work to maintain, but I love my little farm. Thanks for the chance to win such a helpful prize!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about our home is the location. We're close to town, schools & work & yet we live in an orchard area. It's like living in the country but close to everything.
I love that it's OURS...we would use the money to paint the interior, because I think the previous owner was color-blind :(. I'm also glad to be living in it...I've spent 16 years in an apartment and was diagnosed with cancer 2 days after my wedding last November. Some days, I thought I would never get to move in. We spend a lot of time at HD...thank you for your giveaway.kelticdove@bresnan,net
ReplyDeleteI like the location of my house in a very good neighborhood.
ReplyDeleterhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Twitter follower: rhoneygee
ReplyDeleterhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Facebook fan: Rebecca Honey Graham
ReplyDeleterhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
its close to work.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that i love about my home is that my ex husband no longer lives here.Ha Ha. It would be the size of my house it is perfect. not to big or small.
I love our garden...it's so lovely and peaceful.
ReplyDeletecouponboss at gmail dot com
I love that I have a cool shady patio out back that is perfect for my cane begonias. They're in full bloom!
ReplyDeleteI am following you on twitter.
ReplyDeleteAnd I am your fan on facebook. :)
ReplyDeleteIt is in a great location and very easy to get to work and shop.
ReplyDeleteI like our large yard and quiet neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteabfantom at yahoo dot com
I love my home now because we are in the country and have lots of room to run.
Twitter follower. @jen_r_horn
ReplyDeleteFollow on Facebook.
tricky since i am living in a yucky rental, so i would have to say we have good neighbors is the best thing. we are building a house right now, so any HD GC would be awesome!!
ReplyDeleteI love my yard.
ReplyDeleteI love the entire house, the yard, the inside, the neighborhood.
I love the old-fashioned features of my house that, thankfully, were never removed - the old chandeliers, the old skeleton key locks, the milk box, and arched doorways, and the mailbox that empties right into my stairway.
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
I follow on Twitter (jenniferladd).
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
I like you on Facebook.
jennifereladd at yahoo dot com
The best thing I love about our residence is that it is Peaceful. We are rural and it is nice and quiet.
I LOVE the big fenced in backyard. It's perfect for my son to play and it gives me peace of mind that if I look away for a second (we have locks on the gate), that he hasn't "escaped" and is running in the street somewhere!!
ReplyDeletejamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
Following on twitter as @champagnewisdom :)
ReplyDeletejamieandandre at bellsouth dot net
I love our private back yard.
ReplyDeleteI love the location of my house.
I love the cozy feel and the big yard!
ReplyDeleteI live in an apartment and I *love* that I don't have to worry about maintenance, upkeep, security, painting, water/electricity bills and all the other time-consuming things homeowners worry about! Of course, it'd be nice to have a yard and to be able to put nails in the walls... but it's really not so much to give up. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI love how quiet it is at my apartment complex.
I love my circle washed rock driveway
ReplyDeleteI love my patio and backyard.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing? It is so tough to decide! I would have to say all of the space. We went from a one bedroom apartment, to renting one bedroom to a 1700 square foot home. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love that we have hardwood floors throughout for the house (well...tile in the bathrooms & laundry room) ... I also love our 4 porches and our property -- 20 acres of gorgeousness!
I love the fireplace for those cold nights.
follow on twitter (Missybeez80)
Home Depot is a reliable source
ReplyDeleteour hallway. It's very cool in the summer. swiener1[at]tampabay.rr.com
ReplyDeleteI love my patio and flowers.
I love the memories I have of the house and how comfortable I feel in it. I especially like our family room that we built on years ago. It's large, yet comfy.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of things I love about our current residence, we've lived here for over 20 years now...I love the trees, the peace and solitude, the space, and the weather (most of the time!)
ReplyDeletejubilant_health at yahoo dot com
I love the landscape of our current residence. It's pretty hard to find neighborhoods with perfect lawns where I live because of the heat index, but somehow the grass is always beautiful here, no matter how hot it gets. I guess it doesn't hurt that we do get a lot of rain!
ReplyDeleteLove our big backyard perfect for entertainng in the summer
ReplyDeleteI love the big windows. Thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeletesweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
The favorite thing about my house is that it's a two story brand new home. After living in apartments for three years, it feels sooo nice to walk up and down MY stairs.
ReplyDeleteWinterbreeze85 at yahoo dot com
It's paid for
ReplyDeletemy enclosed front porch
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of my house is the kitchen/family room area where all the fun happens.
ReplyDeletesharonaquilino at hotmail dot com
The thing I love about my current residence is how quiet it is. We live in the mountains and at night all we hear are "critter" sounds and the wind blowing through the trees. It's fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI'm a twitter follower (my id = @smallftprints)
I love that we have trees in front and back.
ReplyDeleteI love my front walkway way, it is paved and when you walk up to the front door you follow a curved path that I just love.
ReplyDeletea follower of Jamie's Rabbits on Twitter @pavanco
ReplyDeletea liker on facebook
ReplyDeleteBeing able to decorate things the way i want to.
What I love about my new home ( 1 year here now) is that it is one level and the basement is our recreation area with a sliding glass door to our patio. Our yard is considerably smaller and I love all the landscaping and gardening I have done since we moved here. Love the neighborhood too!
ReplyDeleteTwitter follower
ReplyDeleteMy home is very fuel efficient, easy to heat; I especially love my backyard. gcgranny72@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteFacebook Fan "like"
ReplyDeleteIt's paid for!
ReplyDeleteI really want to paint my apartment so this will be great. I wanted to start with my boys room since my little one has inflicted some damage a la crayola
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I love the most about my residence is that it has walk-in closets in all the bedrooms. jgs0925(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteI love the size, not too big and not too small.
I love that we live on some land. Great for kiddos to run and play.
I love that I'm at the end of a dead end street. No traffic!
ReplyDeletesphinxcw at aol dot com
I really like the location of my home- we are so close to so many things. I also love that I have a spaced to grow a large garden.
ReplyDeleteour yard, it's the best on the block - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
ReplyDeleteI love the neighborhood it's in. It's not cookiecutter like so many are these days.
ReplyDeleteI have a great neighborhood. I am surrounded by retired law enforcement that notice everything! It is a very secure feeling!
I follow Jamie's Rabbits on Twitter (@GMERRELL)
I love my fireplace! It makes the whole place look cozy and inviting. :) I also love all the trees in the backyard--perfect shade for reading outside.
ReplyDeletekrtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com
I love that it is large and roomy, so we have plenty of space and plenty of storage.
ReplyDeletemy huge bathtub!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about our home are the huge picture windows across the whole front of the house. They were what attracted me to the house in the first place. Tons of light!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
proudyaya04 {at} yahoo {dot} com
What I like most about our house is that it is ours. It's tiny and needs work, but if I want to paint, I don't need to ask anyone's permission. :)
ReplyDeletekirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter @Aerated. Thank you!
ReplyDeletekirbycolby at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI like the size of my townhouse. It's just right for my family, and I don't spend all my time cleaning/maintaining/gardening.
ReplyDeleteI like my big yard that my son can play in :)
The thing I love about my house is that it is on a dead end street. With small children, this is wonderful since we get no thru traffic, so it is very safe.
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of Jamie's Rabbits on Twitter.
I "Like" Jamie's Rabbits on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteDebra Ford
I love the neighborhood our house is in and I LOVE my garden.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing you love about your current residence is all the fruit trees and berry vines and grape vines that I've planted over the years and that are now bearing lots of fruit for me to enjoy every summer!
ReplyDeletesksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
What I love about where I live is the peace and quiet. Being in a rural area is awesome!
ReplyDeleteOh I know this one right off! We lost our home a few years ago...one we had spend some time and energy getting to what we wanted. We had to move from our 4 bedroom, 2 car garage to a townehome rental. So depressing! To make it feel like a place we wanted to be in, we worked hard on the small garden area in back and in front. I am pleased to say it has become a welcome retreat, one that gets many a compliment from passerbys!
ReplyDeleteI love our back patio. It overlooks this very wooded area of the neighborhood and always has lots of birds and squirrels to watch.
ReplyDeleteVictorian charm and dramatic woodwork.
ReplyDeleteTwitter follower ky2here1.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I love about my current residence is it's location. I'm a college student, and my commute to campus is not a long distance at all!
ReplyDeleteBut as far as my current residence goes, (I am not a home owner) everything is bleck!
I follow on twitter!
I love the pool that my husband and I have; this is our first summer using it!
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
The location is awesome. My commute to work is only about 15 minutes and we're so close to the mountains that we're protected from the bad storms and tornados that roll through.
Windows everywhere. Its the next best thing to living under the sun and stars.
My favorite thing is that it's close to a lot of restaurants and grocery stores.
My favorite thing is that my house feels like a home!It's hard to explain, but my previous residence did not feel like a home. Believe me, it is really great to come home and just feel like you are at HOME!!
I love the backyard and pool area.
ReplyDeleteI follow Jamie's Rabbits on Twitter under the name JCHARRIES
I love the we live in a good neighborhood and we have wonderful neighbors.
ReplyDeleteI love my home because we have good neighbors
ReplyDeletesign me up
ReplyDeleteWhile we are desperate to move out of this house, the one thing I will miss is the size of the bedrooms...compared to the newer houses on the market, both my children have bedrooms now large enough to hold all their furniture including a desk in each room. Bedrooms now just don't have the size older houses have.
ReplyDeleteshel704 at aol dot com
Twitter follower @auntiethesis
ReplyDeleteshel704 at aol dot com
Facebook fan: Michelle Hudak
ReplyDeleteshel704 at aol dot com
one thing I love about our current residence: it's just big enough for a family of three, but not too big that I can't find the time to clean it (but we've still got to finish the attic if we're contemplating becoming a family of 4!)
ReplyDeleteFollowing you on Twitter as @EcoBlogz
ReplyDeleteI like you on FB!
ReplyDeleteI love the privacy. My wooded provides a very private setting.
ReplyDeleteLike you on fb (Cynthia Conley)
ReplyDeleteI love that it's in a neighborhood with large lots and old trees.
I love my houses hard wood floors, when we bought it it was all shag carpet and wood paneling, funny enough though, under the carpet are beautiful wood floors, and behind that wood paneling... exposed brick, what were they thinking? I guess we got a deal on the house because it looked so awful, but underneeth it was a gem :)
Its in the country by the water
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about my current house is that it's sold and I'm moving next week! I really need the card to help decorate my new house :)
ReplyDeleteI love my yard, years of hard work and adding a new planting section each year, I am still not done but it looks great, the other thing I like is all of my neighbors, they are fantastic
ReplyDeleteI love the space we have and the fact that I have a LARGE kitchen!
ReplyDeleteI love our huge backyard and our nice neighbors.
ReplyDeleteMaggie at tethered mommy dot com
The main thing I love about my home is all of the work we have done outside to make it fun to be there!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower on twitter @itscindisworld
ReplyDeleteI "like" you on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/itscindisworld
ReplyDeleteFab giveaway! We need real hoses, the kind that doesn't crack, like the black foam hoses. We are over cracking hoses.
ReplyDeleteI love our acreage. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteI love the size of my house. It is plenty big enough for us: super cozy but not too big. I think many people have homes that are a lot to keep up with but my home is the perfect size for me!!
ReplyDeleteWe just moved into a new house last month and I love the double oven and the jet tub in the master bath- thanks!
ReplyDeletelinjenals at yahoo dot com
I love that we live there--it takes people (and pets) to make a home (be it ever so humble).
ReplyDeleteI love that our backyard is woods, and we don't see our neighbors.
ReplyDeletekristen_yeh (at) yahoo (dot) com