
The Post About Being Thankful in December

{image: Me, Instagram, a few of my favorite things}

I'm grateful that being thankful in November is over.

Reading that previous sentence confirms my suspicion I might be more than a bit ornery.

Last month, my Facebook feed was filled with genuine expressions of gratitude for people and things and circumstances that were unique to each person. Until about November 17. And then the well ran dry.

Some friends started referencing short lines at Wal-Mart and the mean Dad who didn't show up for little league practice. There were mentions of size 6 clothing that still fit and all green lights on the morning commute.

Bah humbug.

Then God found Himself in my face for the upteenth time.

He started with scripture. HE ALWAYS STARTS WITH THE DANG BIBLE.

I Thessalonians 5:16-18. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances;...
He provides a 3-step program - joy, prayer and gratitude.

How great would it be if verse 18 ended with "you know...if you have time in your schedule and all the planets I created align?"

But it doesn't. It ends with this:
...for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 
The will of God. So...the big kahuna. Purpose. That thing we were all designed for and should be seeking.

It's found in joy, prayer, and gratitude.

Less bah humbug.

So here's what I'm thankful for this very moment:
1. The coworker who donated flavored creamer to the breakroom.
2. The pop-up Post-It dispenser on my desk.
3. Christmas playlists.

What are you thankful for right this second?

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