
The Post About Chasing Rabbits With {Sam Davidson}

Welcome to my series called Chasing Rabbits With _______________. Each week I interrogate someone I know to be more interesting than me. Today, I'm welcoming speaker and author Sam Davidson to the chase.

My podcasting partner-in-crime Knox McCoy once featured Sam Davidson as someone to know on his website. Knox has rarely led me astray so I started following Sam on Twitter along with thousands of others. I quickly discovered how smart he was - particularly with helping folks leave their mark on the world. In a good way. We met IRL in 2012 and have since swapped many a story over good food and even better coffee. 

What My 2nd Grade Girlfriend Taught Me About Leadership from Sam Davidson on Vimeo.

1. What line from literature, movies, television, or music would you use to summarize your life?
"If they hate, then let ‘em hate, and watch the money pile up.” Kanye West

2. Which celebrity would you like to be friends with in real life? What would you two do on a sunny Saturday?
Jay Z. Pretty sure we’d get ice cream and I’d answer all his questions about parenting a daughter.

3. Which Wizard of Oz character are you most like and why?
I wasn’t allowed to watch WoO growing up because my Mom hated shows with witches. I’ve still never seen it but I know there’s a dog, some red shoes, and monkeys. 

4. What is the best or worst hairstyle or “look” you’ve ever attempted?
High school. 10th and 11th grade. Grew out this beauty that included a part in the middle and hair tucked behind the ears. Fun fact: my hair flips up at the end when it gets long.
5. What is your greatest extravagance?
My Delta SkyClub membership.

6. What is your favorite word and why?
Asshat. There are unlimited situations in which this word is useful.

7. Name 3 things on your bucket list.
Bucket lists are utter garbage.
That said, I’ve recently begun one.
The single entry is “be in the print edition of Garden and Gun.
I also want to on Jeopardy! one day.

8. What are 3 websites you frequent that other folks should also frequent?
- Kontrary.com
- What Should We Call Me
- Ikea Hackers

Rabbit Readers: Name something on your not-utter-garbage bucket list?


The Post About Always On My...

I adore Q & As. I just completed one for my application to be a contestant on The Bachelor. SERIOUSLY.

So here's a little list to get to know the real Jamie.
Face: Sunscreen. And freckles. There's a disconnect.

Perennial To-Do List: Hang up my clothes. I am an amazing washer and dryer but that's where the domestication ends. This is why I'm also an amazing ironer.

Guilty Pleasure List: Buying 5 extra moves on Candy Crush. I cannot tell you how happy it makes me. And sad. 

Kitchen Counter: Straw dispenser, coffee paraphernalia and rotting bananas. My muffin top is built from good intentions of learning to cook but always eating out.

Regrets List: Not accepting a job as a literary agent with William Morris Agency in Nashville. And not buying the extra cupcake to take home. Every time.

Nightstand: Chapstick and my Kindle. Sadly, my phone is probably in my actual hand as I sleep. 

Playlist: Emelie Sande, The Black Keys, Katy Perry, Sara Bareilles, Justin Timberlake, The Civil Wars.

Computer Screensaver: C.S. Lewis Quote.  
(via Threads)

Qualities-in-a-Friend List: Sense of humor. Period. I know there are other great qualities but what I need in my life is legitimate LOLs.

List of Charities You Support: Children's Aid Society of Alabama and Habitat for Humanity - folks without a forever family and stable shelter wreck me.

Medicine Cabinet Shelves: Creams specialized for each part of the face.

Bed: 600 thread count sheets with down feather duvet. If you're going to spend 1/3 of your life there...

Must-See-TV List: The Daily Show, Downton Abbey, The Walking Dead.

Weekly Grocery List: Bananas, milk, kid-friendly cereal, hummus, pita bread and cheese. The rest of my fridge is just condiments and drinks. My nutritionist is so very proud. 

Phone Screensaver:   

(via Single Roots)

Mind: The location of my phone. And world peace.

Favorite-Gadget List: iPhone, Microwave/Toaster Oven combo, Citrus Squeezer because...salsa.

Workout Regimen: I had to look up the word "regimen" so if that helps you understand how much I work out.

iPhone: Spotify. It's how I listen to music all day every day. In private session so you don't know about all the Selener.

Pet-Peeve List: People who don't use their blinker. WHO HURT YOU TO MAKE YOU SO AWFUL? 

Twitter Feed: There are so many tweeters I fancy but here's a short list of those who will be funny AND interact with you: @grass_stains @erinhmoon @notthatolsen @objectivityrach @deppisch @bogueandweejer

Quote-to-Live-by List: “With the story of your life, you don’t get to write the whole book, just your character.” — Olivia Munn 

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