
The Post About Politicking

I don't write much about politics in this blog. Mainly, I lay low to avoid red finger pointing and snickering-behind-my-back. However, I was excited about President Obama's expansion of Bush's Faith-Based Initiative through an executive order he signed last week.

The office's specific priorities will be: poverty reduction, abortion reduction, encouraging fatherhood, and interfaith relations (these are all things Jesus and I support.)

The President also created a new Advisory Council and appointed a few people of whom I'm a fan:
  • Judith Vredenburgh, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America
  • Dr. Frank Page, Southern Baptist Convention
  • Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners Washington
  • Richard Stearns, World Vision
According to Christianity Today: "The council will advise broadly on foreign and domestic policy, and will be able to hold hearings and issue reports and recommendations. It has the potential to become a major force."

Here's a nice Q&A with the new director of the office - incidentally, the same guy who fought for Rick Warren to give the inaugural prayer and coordinated the Saddleback Forum during the campaign. Plus, he's kinda cute and in my age range. I think.

1 comment:

  1. This is random, but...

    Last night I started watching lost.

    I will have my comeuppance on Randy for calling me Hurley.


Don't be afraid if I chase your rabbit comment...

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