However, let me provide a quick member's commentary on the three ministerial staff who took the stage today.
1. Student Pastor: Joseph Kinnaird.

Yeah, that's what he looks like.
His "homeless-vet-living-under-the-interstate" bit is prompted by raising money for a team to do summer missions in Belize. When they raise all the funds, he'll shave. Good intentions paved the road to animals living on your face. He wrote an excellent blog post all about The Beard.
2. Minister of Worship: Shawn Stinson.

Yeah, that's what he looks like. Although, I don't think he owns a home in Boca Raton.
Shawn said "Peace out" at the end of the closing song today. Most people didn't notice, but I did. I fully expect the next 3 weeks' farewells to be "Holla," "Deuce out the roof," and "Smell you later." Respectively. You can follow Shawn's outbursts at Tales from Street Road.
3. Pastor: Dr. Steve Potts.

He's the one on the right.
Today, Steve was referencing the Alameda County Study which tracked the lives of 7,000 people over 9 years. Researchers found the most isolated people were 3x more likely to die than those with strong relational connections. My PhD pastor summarized the study with this: "It's better to eat Twinkies with friends than eat broccoli alone."
I actually may have "amen'd" that.
So you see - all three are dorks.
Dorks who love God and His people.
And lead us in ways that honor Him at every turn.
{images: Joseph, Shawn, me.}
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