
The Post About Random Rabbits

Another post of the randomness deemed unworthy of a dedicated post. 

1. Chocolate Cupcakes with a Nutella filling and Nutella buttercream frosting.
This recipe is from Jamie at My Baking Addiction. You cannot go wrong with a gal named "Jamie" who has already admitted she has a problem. Right?

2. A Baptist in the Land of Lent Update: It's difficult. But good.

3. Lent Update #2: You know how I just told you it was hard? Well, it got easier on Day #1 of fasting social media when I bought this:
I may be as ridiculous as you think I am. I may also be doing Lent wrong.

But I do love this adorable iPad 2. "Love" as defined as someone who will take a gadget to her seamstress mother in order to get its measurements taken for a specially made jacket. Love.

4. Happy Birthday The Joseph Craven: I met my friend Amanda from Canada on the Internet. She met her friend Joseph from Mississippi on the Internet. Amanda and I are still friends. Amanda and Joseph may be more than friends. This is evidenced by the video she created for him to celebrate his birth (embedded below). I had the privilege of making a guest appearance. It's a snazzy idea if you'd like to love on someone far away for their own special occasion like a birthday, Easter or tax day.

5. Killer Giveaway Winners: I hosted a little giveaway last week for a ticket to the Killer Tribes Conference in Nashville as well as gift cards to iTunes and Amazon. The winners are:
  • Killer Tribes Conference Pass: Erin Moon
  • iTunes Gift Card ($15): April Yedinak
  • Amazon Gift Card ($15): Adrian Waller
Congrats! Contact me at jamiesrabbits@gmail.com to collect your swag!

As for you - what's something you're looking forward to in the next week? I want to wish I was with you. 

{images: Jamie}

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